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EULER is a 2,5 year action-research. It looks at the skills and competences citizens use and develop while being active in society,

and the role these abilities can play in the economy of the future.


EULER happens simultaneously in London, Barcelona, Berlin and Antwerp. Local people in each city set up a yearlong project to re-imagine and re-shape a space in their neighbourhood. Through this process participants better understand what they enjoy doing and what they are good at.


At the same time EULER explores the future of work and workers. Which skills and competences will be relevant in an economy changing by automation and globalisation?  Which role can creative skills, social skills and physical dexterity play in both market economy and solidarity economy?


EULER designs a STRATEGY for bringing active citizens together, a METHOD to identify and name the skills and competences revealed and created, and a set of ONLINE resources that can be re-used by others after the project.  


EULER was launched in London in September 2015 by City Mine(d), NDVR. Transit and Tesserae. They share an interest in sustainable urban development and citizen participation. EULER enjoys support of the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme.

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